You All Everybody, hello! I`m Martina and I´m making a new "enter" to write about the characters of this amazing series. You all can comment and also add pictures for example of Sawyer that we all like ...! and also of another character with your opinion of him. I don´t know what more I can write because I don`t know if it was this what I was supposed to do.. sorry miss!
Here is an interesting link where you can enter and watch a beautiful videoclip! enter! This song is dedicated to Luchi Paz =)
Hey!!! it is so grrreat!! I love it! How about uploading it to the blog? I have never heard that song before, it is so sweet! I love it!Let us ask Luchi to bring the lyrics to class and do some listening activity.
Iam so happy we have stepped forward to this world of weblogging and tried it. Iam sure things will go beyond our wildest imagination...!!
Miss Alina:p
I LoVe that couple!! Hope they end up together! The video was great!I really enjoyed it, thankss!! see you!
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